Enrico Almici

PhD in biomedicine and co-creator of the AIsthetic project

He was born in Parma (Italy) in 1993 and holds a PhD in Biomedicine from University of Barcelona (UB). His experience spans from theragnostic nanoparticles to advanced image analysis that he developed working in international research institutes such as the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalunya (IBEC) and the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). Nowadays, he is a product manager in the Italian company Antares Vision, where he focuses his work on eHealth.

At the Biennial, he represents AIsthetic. This project was born by the joint efforts of a group of friends: Enrico, Lorenzo Sottini and Simone Bonvicini, that merged their different backgrounds to build an installation capable of bringing the public closer to artificial intelligence and explaining its potential in a simple, entertaining and effective way.

Enrico Almici

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